in English

  Introducing Cercasi un fine [In search of an aim] in brief

Who we are.


            Cercasi un fine [In search of an aim] is an APS Association, registered in the “Association of Social Promotion” section of the RUNTS[1] with legal status; the Association was founded as a non-profit organization in 2008 and is listed in the Registry of Non-profit Organizations.


           Christian believers, as well as women and men of different cultures and religions, participate in Cercasi un fine APS, united by the commitment to a more just, peaceful and beautiful 

            society in which to live. 


What we do.


           Since 2002, we have been organizing a network of social and political training programs (10-15 seminars a year, 3 hours each); these activities aim to encourage a following of and commitment to the social and political aspects of the Humanities, the fundamental values of the Constitution of the Italian Republic and the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church. So far more than 60 local programs have been built in 5 regions: Puglia (several locations); Lazio (Rome, Genzano, Albano); Piedmont (Novara); Sicily (Marsala; Floridia); Campania (Caserta; Aversa). The programs are normally attended by young people and adults that want to know more about political life or people involved in social and political institutions, locally and nationally. In some cities we have been organizing programs for people engaged in public life (EU and Italian MP, Mayors, local politicians).


           Since 2005, Cercasi un fine APS has been publishing a periodical of culture and politics “Cercasi un fine”, with a related website, [2].


           Since 2018, with the support of civilian volunteers, it has been developing courses in Italian for foreign citizens – adults, young people and children – from various Countries (such as India, Pakistan, Nigeria, Venezuela, Brazil, Egypt, Peru, Ivory Coast, Senegal, Albania, Morocco, Mali, Mexico, Venezuela and others) in addition to offering educational activities for minors. This group is called I CARE.


           Since 2023, the Association has been in charge of the “Bice Leddomade” library at our headquarters, officially registered in this Country[3]. It contains more than 5,000 volumes.


          Other Association activities include: the organization of meetings, debates and conferences on cultural and political issues; the editing of a series of texts in collaboration with Magma Edizioni of Bari; the hosting of university trainees; the development of collaborations with political institutions, study centres, cooperatives and associations for the realization of 

           individual projects.




What we hope to realize.


        We are working to develop

       our social and political training programs, particularly for people engaged in public life (EU and Italian MP, Mayors, local politicians), 

       the number of website users and magazine subscribers, 

       we want to increase the library’s holdings, specialising them more and more with texts that relate to politics, social and political education and the topic of immigration and language training for foreigners.     

        We are working to realize a project, called “Cercasi una casa” [In search of a house] which would be an residential centre in which to offer training programs to youth, politicians, public administration personnel, workers from the tertiary sector, environmental groups and immigrants.


Information and contact details


        Currently the Board of Directors of the Association is composed of: 

Rocco D’AMBROSIO (President); Donatella A. REGA (Vice President); Carlo RESTA (Treasurer); Nunzio LILLO (Secretary); Massimo DICIOLLA; Giuseppe FERRARA (Director of the “Bice Leddomade” Library); Matteo LOSAPIO. The Editorial Staff of the Periodical “Cercasi un fine”, in addition to the members of the Board includes: Eleonora BELLINI, Vito CATALDO, Davide D’AIUTO (Head of D.P.O.), Francesco GRECO, Paolo IACOVELLI,

Lucio LANZOLLA, Elisabetta RESTA, Isabella SANTINI.

        Associazione Cercasi un fine APS – via Sanges, 11/A – 70020 Cassano delle Murge (Ba) 

      Tel 080 763973 – 339 4454584 – 333 7566522

       PEC – mail: for the association: – for the administration: – for the newspaper: – – for the website: – for the school of Italian group I CARE: – for the library:

       CF 91085390721 – P.IVA 07905760729  

       CCP 000091139550 at Ufficio Postale di Cassano delle Murge (Ba)

       IBAN IT26C0846941440000000019932 – for international transfers BIC ICRA IT RR D 10 

at BCC Credito Cooperativo di Castellana Grotte (Ba)


[1] No. 1408 of 02/12/2022 of the Register of Determinations, Puglia Region, Welfare Department, RUNTS service.

[2] Both the paper-based magazine and the website are registered with the Court of Bari, no. 23/2005.

[3] ICCU – Central Institute for the Single Catalogue: ISIL Code: IT-BA0536; ISTAT code: PUBAC003; SBN Pole: Polo Terra di Bari; SBN code: BA161.